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Factors affecting new energy mileage

Views: 0     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2024-07-10      Origin: Site

The range of new energy vehicles is affected by many factors, including battery technology, driving habits, vehicle load, ambient temperature, etc.

1. Battery technology

Battery technology is the core factor affecting the range of new energy vehicles. Battery capacity determines the maximum distance a vehicle can theoretically travel. Generally speaking, the larger the battery capacity, the longer the vehicle's range. In addition, the battery's energy density and motor efficiency also affect the range. Batteries with high energy density can store more electrical energy at the same weight, while high motor efficiency means that more electrical energy can be converted into mechanical energy, thereby improving range.

2. Driving habits

The impact of driving habits on range cannot be ignored. Sharp acceleration and braking will increase the vehicle's energy consumption, while a gentle driving style can help save energy. For example, slowing down the accelerator pedal, using less sudden braking, using ECO mode, and making full use of the vehicle's energy recovery function can help reduce energy consumption and extend the range.

3. Vehicle load

Vehicle load is also an important factor affecting range. Passengers or heavy objects carried on the vehicle will increase the resistance of the vehicle, resulting in increased power consumption during driving, which in turn shortens the cruising range. Similarly, low tire pressure will also increase energy consumption and affect cruising range.

4. Ambient temperature

Ambient temperature also has a significant impact on the cruising range of new energy vehicles. In a high temperature environment, the battery is prone to over-discharge, resulting in performance degradation; while in a low temperature environment, the chemical reaction of the battery is weakened and the capacity is reduced, which also affects the cruising range. Therefore, maintaining a proper temperature in the car is very important for extending the cruising range.

5. Other factors

In addition to the above factors, there are some other factors that may affect the cruising range of new energy vehicles, such as wind resistance coefficient and charging technology. The lower the wind resistance coefficient, the less air resistance the vehicle encounters and the lower the energy consumption; and advanced charging technology can charge the vehicle faster and reduce the impact on the battery during charging.

The cruising range of new energy vehicles is affected by many factors, among which battery technology is the most core factor. Good driving habits, reasonable vehicle load, suitable ambient temperature and advanced charging technology can help improve the cruising range. With the advancement and innovation of technology, we can expect future new energy vehicles to have greater breakthroughs in driving range.

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